いろいろ bastard sword vs longsword 179301-Bastard sword vs longsword dark souls

 1) The longsword doesn't do as much damage on a crit (9 damage vs 10 damage) 2) On higher W powers the greatsword does more For 3 w damage, a longsword does average 145 vs greatsword's 165 3) I believe the strict RAW says a longsword in two hands doesn't count as a two handed weapon for purposes of feats, powers, and other effectsBastard Sword vs Claymore;That isn't to say you can't have a long sword on the shorter side compared to a bastard sword on the longer side I've taken I liking to the Flamberge, myself, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Usually the definition would be, "a longsword with a two handed grip," but, really, that is most longswords Which ever is best is whichever your stats match best with

Bastard Sword Castlevania Wiki Fandom

Bastard Sword Castlevania Wiki Fandom

Bastard sword vs longsword dark souls

Bastard sword vs longsword dark souls- DkyMleX Welcomed New User Join Date Location TX, USA Posts 2 the bastard sword is called Foebane3, or upgraded 5 I prefered bastard swords, but there is a good long sword called Angurvadal yes you can advance to level 40, but you might have to play the game a couple times Unless the speed of the Longsword and Knight Sword are the same compared to the bastard sword oo User Info kelt321 kelt321 11 years ago #4 Bastard sword is slower than long sword I would go with something like Claymore rather User Info Sn1per666 Sn1per666 11 years ago #5 Merchant in 12 sells Claymores for 5,000

Bastard Sword V4 Blackfencer

Bastard Sword V4 Blackfencer

Bastard Sword = 28 On the long sword you're throwing one dice that got 8 sides, bastard sword you're throwing two dice that got 4 sides Edited The reason for the difference in damage is because the attack speed on the weapons, sadly in Baldur's Gate the attack speed isn't that important unless it's on a two handed weapon and even then it's not that specialIt also features a straight, doubleedged blade that approximately measures around thirtythree to fortythree inches The design of the longsword, specifically its hilt arrangement and center of gravity, Essentially, a bastard sword is a longsword that can be wielded with one hand if necessary A better question is which blade type is best for which application 3 level 1 thezerech Шабля 1 year ago Longsword and bastard sword are the same thing

I have a question I looked at the damages of both the Long sword and the bastard sword and itAs soon as pitax region open you can go and get Bear god scimitar A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder Kingmaker made by Owlcat Games Check out our other SRD sites! Actually, a longsword is a twohanded sword The word "longsword" gets used to mean what is basically, depending on the depiction, either a broadsword, bastard sword or onehanded sword The fault lies in D&D, which has inappropriately called the most basic onehanded sword larger than a shortsword a longsword

Bastard sword pays for that potential extra 2 damage with a feat, unless you're a sword saint or another archetype that gets a weapon for free, while Longsword is just a martial weapon Not at all worth burning a precious feat, IMO Max There were no specific terms given to swords at the time they were in use A "longsword" was any blade that was longer than your arming sword It could be anything from a D&D "broadsword" to a twohander depending on who was talking Likewise a "short sword" was any blade that was shorter than the primary swordThe longsword comes with a longer hilt than usual, which is the main feature of the sword However, the broadsword doesn't have much a longer hilt but it has a basketshaped guard design around the hilt Also, the blade width makes it different from a longsword Single or doublehanded Longsword is typically a doublehanded sword

Early 16thc German Bastard Sword 79 Tod S Workshop

Early 16thc German Bastard Sword 79 Tod S Workshop

Longswords Vs Bastard Swords Vs Hand And A Half Swords Arms Armor

Longswords Vs Bastard Swords Vs Hand And A Half Swords Arms Armor

In short, long swords are stronger in SoA, and stronger in ToB except in that bastard swords are a great choice for a fighter (only one in a a party) who will be wielding an attackgranting weapon in the off hand and who will be fighting with mage support Boards Baldur's Gate II Shadows of AmnThe distinction between twohanded swords and longswords can be confusing, and the deeper you delve into marginal cases the less clear the distinction can become At the most basic level a longsword, also often known as a handandahalf sword or a Bastard Sword, is a doubleedged European sword, often with a cruciform hilt, that is capable of being used in either one hand orThe Bastard Sword is a greatsword in Dark Souls The Bastard Sword may be purchased from Andre of Astora for 3,000 souls The Bastard Sword has good physical damage and scaling, and high staggering power (the standard of all greatswords) While slightly more powerful than the Claymore, it lacks a thrust attack of any sort, reducing its versatility

Clint Bellanger Making Historical Ish Swords For My Arpg Here Is A Claymore Longsword Bastard Sword And Arming Sword

Clint Bellanger Making Historical Ish Swords For My Arpg Here Is A Claymore Longsword Bastard Sword And Arming Sword

What Is The Deal With That Bastard Sword Valid Info Please Beamdog Forums

What Is The Deal With That Bastard Sword Valid Info Please Beamdog Forums

The Bastard sword is a modern name for the finest sword and so is the name Longsword These swords were used in the middleage and are well known for their beauty and purpose The Longsword is a traditional sword and is the same as the bastard sword The sword can be used as a onehanded sword or twohanded swordAnd which one is the best in late game?See, the longsword and the bastard sword are the same thing Except that they're not I'll explain Generally speaking, bastard sword and longsword are synonyms Bastard sword I believe derives from English whilst longsword derives from translated German In the era of use, Germans called single handed swords short and two handers long

Bastard Sword V4 Blackfencer

Bastard Sword V4 Blackfencer

What S The Difference Between Claymore Estoc Greatsword Zweihander And Bastard Sword Quora

What S The Difference Between Claymore Estoc Greatsword Zweihander And Bastard Sword Quora

Longsword 5 Mithral Longsword Soulrazor Minion Sword of Wrathraven The Dark Blade The Singing Sword The Sly Blade Adamantine Longsword Found only in meteorites and the rarest veins in magical areas, adamantine is an ultrahard metal that adds to the quality of weapons and armorWhen I say "bastard sword" in an SCA context, I am referring to a weapon between sternum and armpit height from the ground This is really a longsword, and I've taken to calling it that most of the time Much experimentation has shown me that this is an optimal length for two handed swords inBastard Swords are a cross between long swords and twohanded swords They are a bit longer than a longsword, have a double edge and they can be wielded in one hand, if the wielder has enough experience with this type of weapon Their slashing damage range is between 28 points and it requires 11 Strength to wield a bastard sword The weapon has a speed factor of 8 and

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Longsword vs 1H Bastard Sword availability which one is easier to find better weapon?Longsword, bastard sword, and handandahalf sword are all names used to describe a variety of medieval European swords The names derive from words popular at different times and places F or example, 'longsword' is related to the German 'langshwert', and 'bastard sword' from the French 'épée bâtarde', but they all refer to the same basic form, a double edged sword with a Bastard Sword Bastard Sword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3 A widelyused heavy greatsword normally wielded with two hands Broad horizontal sweeping attacks make this sword effective against multiple enemies, but unwieldy in narrow spaces Use one's weight to lunge forward with a low stance and increased poise, and follow with a strong attack

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